As one of the most famous coffee places in Hong Kong, we always answer questions like “what is the best coffee ?” “The most expensive coffee ?” Now, we are answering. Here we have the most expensive coffee in the world arrived exclusively to The Coffee Academics— Esmeralda Geisha 601. This coffee has broken a new record price ever paid green coffee of USD 601 / lb. Let’s us today unveil the secret of the God of coffee.
How it became the most expensive coffee in the world ?
This coffee was the winner of 2017 Best of Panama ( BOP ). BOP is an annual competition held in Panama among producers to showcase the best coffee from Panama. It is a competition that ends in a world auction. Every year, over 30 cuppers ( an certified Q-grader ) from around the world tasted more than 6,600 cups in order to determine the winner of the year.

Roasters, green bean buyers and cafe owners all over the world join the auction aiming to buy the coffee they love. And this year, the Geisha coffee, only 100 pounds green coffee in total production, reaches a top score of 94.11. This Natural Geisha coffee, according to the the juries, is “floral, vibrant, jasmine, lychee, peach, pomarrosa, complex, bold and juicy.” Simply say, it’s incredible!

These coffee went on to the auction and it eventually became again the highest price ever paid green coffee ( USD 601 / lb ).
Who grow the coffee ? — Petersons Family
Coffee has been being in and around Hacienda La Esmeralda for more than 100 years. The Geisha coffee seeds was acquired by this farm from its birthplace, the Gesha mountain in Ethiopia, through an exchange amongst a network of gene-banks and coffee research project.
In 1973, Price Peterson absorbed the role of management of the Hacienda from his father, Rudolph A. Peterson, who, was the former president of Bank of America purchased the land in 1973. Price studied neurochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and received his doctorate in 1961. His expertise background in science became the major benefit to the farm.

In 2004, the farm won the Best of Panama competition for the first time. Following that competition, they set a world record for the highest price paid for coffee at auction that they have gained the reputation as one of the elite coffee producers in the world.
Three times in a row winning Best of Panama award, Hacienda La Esmeralda has done so much to improve their coffee by working on experimental planting and processing methods.
All these efforts lead to the new world record this year.

Where to buy and enjoy the world's most expensive coffee ?
TCA team is very excited to share with you the most exquisite coffee bean in the world. From October onwards, you can buy 15g of roasted beans or 50g of green beans from our online shop www.the-coffeeacademics.com/shop and other related exciting merchandises as well ! If you want to enjoy the coffee served by our professional barista or join our 601 Special Coffee Workshop, stick with us until mid-Oct for more detail !
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