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Supporting Direct Trade: QIMA Yemen Auction Lot Acquisition - The Coffee Academics

Supporting Direct Trade: QIMA Yemen Auction Lot Acquisition

We source green beans from over 50 farms around the globe, and we do direct trade with many, allowing for a fair price for the farmers and their families. In addition to paying a fair price, we also cooperate with several NGOs that are linked to the farms we trade with. In Brazil we support a “Women in Coffee” program, in Honduras we support a “Youth Empowerment” program and in Yunnan (China) we work with MediCare to support the Lisu minority from where we purchase our beans. In addition, all our sourced beans are certified Rainforest Alliance and/or Fairtrade beans.

Since our remarkable acquisition (US$601/lb) of the highly sought after Panama Hacienda La Esmeralda Geisha Verdes Coffee in 2017, The Coffee Academics continues on redefining the specialty coffee experience by sourcing distinctive specialty coffee beans around the world.

We are proud to announce our latest direct-traded acquisition of the QIMA Coffee x Alliance of Coffee Excellence Yemen Auction Lot at the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) ‘Private Collection’ Auction; CR-309.

The Coffee Academics participation in this particular Yemen Coffee Auction will deliver a meaningful contribution to the revival of an ancient coffee civilisation and the rebuilding of a war-torn nation.

*Available for sale at our K11 MUSEA outlet and Causeway Bay flagship.

Lot No. CR-309 - AHMED AL-LAHABA / SOUTH FARM [50kg]
“Seek the counsel of the strong and the trustworthy”
Cupping Range: 89.5 - 85
Process: Natural

Ahmed Al-Lahaba is known in the community for his intelligence and financial shrewdness. As an only child, he grew up with a mentality of self-reliance. He is one of the youngest people in the village to own a house and one of a handful to own a car. He is an active community volunteer in his village and is known to be a good samaritan.

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