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World AIDS Weekend A HUGE SUCCESS - The Coffee Academics


Over the weekend, we sponsored around 2,000 cups of specialty coffee in dedication to AIDS awareness. We stationed a coffee truck at Shatin, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Causeway Bay, making coffee with volunteers who may or may not be HIV-positive.

It was a fantastic experience connecting the neighbourhood through coffee and encourage people to be more open-minded about AIDS-related illnesses, to jumpstart conversations about AIDS, and remove the stigma surrounding the virus in Hong Kong.

Celebrities Max Zhang and Stephy Tang made special appearances to support this initiative, brewing and handing out coffee with us.

We are so excited that Max featured us in his latest vlog post on Facebook as well:

Our Chairwoman and Founder, Ms Jennifer Liu, made a special trip down to our flagship store and then helped out at the coffee truck herself with the team that afternoon:

It was an incredibly rewarding project that places coffee as the connecting role in society and uplifts the greater community. Thank you, Jenn and our entire team for creating this NGO platform, TCACONNECT, enabling more of these initiatives to happen. The celebrity ambassadors and those who lined up during the 3-day event loved our coffee and the fact that we are supporting such a meaningful cause. 💞

Please spread the word about TCACONNECT and stay tuned for new projects to come in 2020!

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